Sunday, December 16, 2012

Neon Green.

At the Perkins Restaurant entrance, there is a boarder of neon light surrounding the name. As you can see, the neon light is green, but when you're looking at the neon light itself, It looks white. The neon green is very bright and doesn't appear to be green. The light that's on the white wall behind the neon light is greener than the light itself. It very interesting how the color at the source isn't the same as the color being reflected.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Cheap Diffusion Gel.

I was playing with my flashlight today and figured out how to make a cheap diffusion gel. I took a kind of white opaque plastic bag and shined the light through it to see what would happen. My first thought was that the light wouldn't go through, but I was wrong. The foot-candles were decreased but the light was still there. the hard edges of the light were also gone. It was pretty cool to see what the plastic bag did so I took shot video to show you.

Low to High Temperature in Seconds.

I was analyzing a light turning on today at sunset. It was an entrance light of an apartment complex. As the light was turning on, it had a low temperature yellowish color and a few seconds later it turned very white. It was as if the light was heating up and got to a higher temperature color temperature in as little as three seconds. I was amazed at how fast the light changed from a low temperature color to a high temperature color. It reminded me of the day we were in the Video lighting lab and the camera was referencing the different color temperatures as white.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Black Mirror

My LCD television has a very dark screen and the plastic over it creates a reflective surface. The light from outside was absorb by the black screen but was also reflected off of the plastic. It's very interesting how the light that is reflected off the television is higher in color temperature than the light from outside. I believe, most of the incident light is absorb, and the blues, which has a shorter wavelength, escapes and creates the higher color temperature.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bright and Intensely Soft

I have a lamp in my apartment that I only use when I'm video chatting. I don't know how it ended up in that location but It works fine. I always direct the light to my face when I'm video chatting, but it never seems to bother me. It's a very soft light, but it's also very bright. It can light up the whole room, but looking at it won't hurt your eyes. When I squint my eyes and look at the bulb, I can actually see the filament burning inside the bulb. The filament actually appears to be surrounded by a cloud of gas that lights up as well.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Little Annoying Green Light

This very small light indicator for my television can be very annoying at times. When looking at an angle this light doesn't even seem like a light. It appears to be a green dot lost in the black border of the television. Once you start look at the light straight on, it's a very intense light. I always try to sit on the left side of the television, so I don't mistakenly look at it. It makes me think I'm looking up at a shiny light after I've been knocked out for an unhealthy amount of time.

Three Shadows, One Light

There's a light fixture in my apartment that has two bulbs in it. When I look at my shadow from that light, I see three different shadows. Each are different in size and shade, but they all start from the same point. I believe the two lights create a shadow separately and the the reflector combines the two lights and creates the main darker shadow. What is interesting, is how the shadows start from the same point and spread out to their extremes. The individual lights in the fixture still manage to escape the reflector and dash out on it's own.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Candle Light Rainbow.

I enjoy using my Maglite, but the candle light feature is a little bit too much for me. The feature is great but the light is too bright. It hurts my eyes when ever I take a glimpse at it. However, what's interesting about the candle light feature, is how I can see the visible light spectrum around the light. The white light just decays around the light source and you can see the different colors of the light spectrum like a rainbow. I don't know why I decided to look at this bright light, but I'm kind of happy I did.

Low and High Temperature Lights.

Incandescent Light
I was comparing my two flashlights and I realized the colors were totally different. The incandescent flashlight had a low color temperature and the LED flashlight had a high color temperature. The incandescent light was appearing more yellow than white. I can really say it was a yellow light. The LED light is whiter than the Incandescent one, but it also looks blue at some angles. It's interesting how the lower color temperature light looks like the sun and the high temperature looks like the moon. 

LED Light

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Foggy Lights

Last night was very foggy outside. It reminded me of a stage filled with smoke. The lights seemed to appear and spread more with the fog outside. It was much brighter than usual. The lights were easier to be located and were soft. the colors of the lights were more present, they weren't as pale as they usually are. The fog really enhanced the lights and gave it a softer look and feel.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Warm and Cool Charger

I'm pretty sure most people have seen this light. I was thinking about the colors Apple decided to use. I don't know why they chose them, but they make sense to me. When the laptop is charging, there is a warm orange light. I think The warm orange light was used to show that there is work in progress. Warm colors show that things are lively and happy (The charger is even warm when the warm orange color is present). When the charging process is done, there is a cool green light. I believe the cool green light was chosen to show that there is peace and rest. The computer doesn't need any more charge, so the charger can relax and not work as much (Again, the charger is cooled down when the cool green light is present). If these are close to the reason why they chose those colors, then the designer knew what they were doing. I'm pretty happy to have an understanding of colors now.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Light in a Glass

Regular Flashlight

I was playing with my MagLite today and I wanted to make another lens for it to see how the light will be distributed. I decided to put an empty glass in front of the flashlight and the light was distributed all over the place. The light entered the glass and was reflected and refracted all over the glass. The light beam on the wall was larger but the light was weaker. I also realized the light created a bunch other rings of light and some light rays were on the ceiling and floor. It just interesting how the glass distributes the light anywhere the light can go.

Flashlight with Glass as Lens.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Squared Light.

My phone has a flashlight that used for taking pictures and many other things. I downloaded an app to used the flashlight as a flashlight and I realized the shape of light it creates is a square. It's pretty nice because I've never seen a spot of square light produced by a flashlight. I checked the light itself and realized the LED is round but the reflector and lens is shaped like a square. It's interesting how the light just takes the shape of whatever it is reflected on. It reminds me of how water always takes the shape of the container it is in. This proves to me that light is also a particle.

Monday, December 3, 2012

LED Lights.

I was playing with the LED lights in lab today and I was mixing the primary colors to create other colors. It was very nice to see the many different colors that can be created. I felt like a painter just mixing colors for the fun of it. I think the faders should be longer so the amount of colors added can be more accurate. Some colors were just not as close to the real thing. I think I might buy some little LEDs to see what more can be done.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Bright and Soft Flashlight Light

I have a Panasonic Lumix camera that I used from time to time. I always realized that when I take a picture of someone or a group of people they never blink or rub their eyes after the photo was taken. I thought it was because of the brightness or time of day. I used the camera today to take a picture of myself, and the flash went off and it didn't hurt my eyes. I tried it again and it was perfectly fine. The flashlight on the Lumix is bright but not harsh. It has a soft brightness to it. I'm enjoy the camera even more now.

LED Reflector Ball.

I saw this LED light ball today. It was a clear ball that had a blue, red, and green light inside of it. the outside of the ball had some type of reflectors and lenses. When the lights turn on it seems like a disco ball. It's automatic so the three primary colors just create other great colors randomly. I really enjoyed seeing the different colors the lights created. It was very cool and very simple.