Friday, November 30, 2012

The Father Sun and The Little Sun

The light in my room is like a child that is scared of its parents, and when the parents aren't around it does what it wants. What I'm trying to say is that, whenever it's day time, this light doesn't have any type of intensity. I can flip the switch during the day and it's like I never changed anything. On the other hand, when ever the sun is on the other side of the earth, this light is like the sun itself. It gets so bright at night, I wish I can dim it. This light is tough when the Sun isn't around, but whenever the Sun comes back it's like a little child again, It's no where to be found.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Powerful LED Flashlight

Dark Room

I bought an LED Maglite flashlight yesterday. Whenever I have a flashlight I have to test it. My way of testing flashlights is by entering a dark room and pointing the flash light to the ceiling. It's my way of seeing if I will be able to function in a room if the flashlight was my only light source. This Maglite flashlight was so powerful, I couldn't believe it was running on 2 AA batteries. It wasn't as bright as my rooms light, but I was able to see everything and read the instructions to the Maglite with the flashlight point up. The light was a little blue, but it didn't bother me. I'm pretty impressed with this LED flashlight. I might not ever go back to a regular incandescent flashlight.
Maglite pointed to ceiling.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Light Reflection Television.

I turned my television on and decided to watch TV on the wall today. I decided to watch an episode of the Cosby Show with the volume low. It was interesting to watch because I knew when they were in the kitchen, the living room, and other places around the house. I noticed the perspective changes and how they happened between 2 to 10 seconds intervals. I wasn't to sure of what was happening in the episode but the color changes on the wall helped me know the pace of the episode.

Monochromatic Soap Dispenser

My automatic soap dispenser is pretty cool. It has a light located at the bottom of it. When ever I place my hand in front of it, a sensor is triggered and a white light turns on and soap is dispensed. I was analyzing the light and the color of the soap and realized it looks like a monochromatic color scheme. The light at the bottom is pure white and as you look up the color changes tints and shades. It pretty nice and just reminds me of the different shades of one color you can pick from in the Paint application on Windows computers. What amazes me the most is how the different shades blend well with one another.

Monday, November 26, 2012

The White Moon Ring

When ever I'm outside at night, I usually stare up at the sky. If the moon is out, I usually see a little ring of light around the moon, and it's usually some sort of red. Tonight I looked up and the ring was wide and white. It was the first time I ever seen a large white ring surrounding the moon. I had to stare at it for a couple of minutes because I never seen anything like it before. I wish I had a good camera to take a picture. It might because of the cooler air around this time of year or the angle it was shining down on earth. I'm not too sure, but I hope I see it again.

Street Light

The street light outside my apartment window is an intense light, but I never really analyzed it. It covers a large area and it doesn't seem to end. The light is brighter in some areas but it seems like the light goes on forever. There isn't a certain point where you can say the light actually ends. It's just lighting the whole area until you just don't notice it anymore. It just doesn't end.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Purple traffic light

I was driving to the airport and was approaching a traffic light with a purple light. When I got closer to the traffic light and it began to change to red. I realized there was a blue light on top of the red traffic light and when you're far away the colors of the lights mix and create purple. I wish I could've taken a picture, but that wasn't a good idea at the moment.

Green LCD

Green LCDs can be so annoying. There is one on my microwave that is very intense at night. When I head to my kitchen in the middle of the night I cannot stand the bright green LCD from the microwave. To ease the pain I usually turn the kitchen light on and it smoothes out the intensity from the green LCD.

Blue LCD

There is a blue LCD screen that's on a clock I saw in a hotel room. The light is very dim and has low intensity during the day. At night when all the lights are closed the blue LCD screen lights up the whole room. It isn't an annoying light in the dark, but it can shine the whole room up when it's all alone. 

Intense Sun

I Slept in a room with the window facing the east. I knew the sun would be intense so I closed the shades before I went to sleep. I woke up the next day with the sun directly in my face. The sun is a very intense light. The shades were closed and I was under the covers and I was still awaken by the sunlight.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I woke up this morning to a rainbow in my room. Confused I was at first. I thought I was dreaming. I stared at it for a while and realized it was the sun's reflection off of a CD that was on my computer desk. It reminded me of Kindergarten class where there were rainbows and clouds on the walls and ceiling. I'm planning to leave that CD in the same exact spot from now on. A smile will be on my face when I wake up to rainbow in my room.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Light: Day 1

Today I saw an interesting light. It was a light at a door entrance. It was the only light in the area that wasn't fully lit. It wasn't dimmed or anything, It was a light that was about to die. It reminded me of a person who is at the final hours of their life. It knows it is about to die but is still fulling its purpose to shine the door step for people who are entering the location. It caught my attention because it wasn't a very intense light. It was weak but wasn't giving up.